Friday, May 20, 2011

Edmonds Beach Field Trip

Yesterday, Abi's preschool class went on a field trip to Edmonds Beach. Luckily the weather cooperated and we had a beautiful day at the beach. It was scheduled at low tide so we were able to see lots of sea life including crab, starfish, shrimp, fish, mussels, barnacles and even a few seals!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's a mystery...

After her first taste of a mystery flavored lollipop, I asked Abi what flavor it was. With a roll of her eyes, she responded, "Duh, Mom - it tastes like mystery!"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mr. Busy Body

Brady just finished up his gymnastics classes and it was right up his alley - lots of things to climb on, ride, slide down and tons of balls - he was heaven! Like most 2 year old boys, he had a tough time sitting still during circle time (when the kids introduced themselves, sang songs and did some stretching) but overall, he did great and loved it. After chasing him around for an hour, I think I was more tired than he was at the end of class!

As soon as we walked in the door, he was off and running...

...and jumping...
...and climbing...
...and crawling!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Girls Weekend!!!

Thanks to my awesome friends and wonderful husband, I spent 4 relaxing days in Arizona, soaking up the sun and celebrating my 35th birthday with 5 great friends. We had fun eating, shopping, talking, reading and just enjoying some much-needed peace and quiet!

Meanwhile, back at the homestead...
Josh took the kids to the Reptile Zoo

And as the weekend continued, I started receiving pictures on my phone from Josh...

Apparently huge steaks and lots of liquor are must haves when Mom goes out of town for the weekend and Dad is left with the kids.

Thankfully I am happy to report that everyone was still alive when I returned home! :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

To celebrate Mother's Day, we headed over to Bremerton to spend the weekend with Ferryboat Grandma. Unfortunately I was not good about taking pictures - in fact, I have absolutely no pictures of me and kids on Mother's Day (go figure!) I did remember my camera when we headed to the Children's Museum which was a fun change from our normal Mother's Day activities.

My little Bumblebee and Daisy. In hindsight, I guess the kids should have been reversed!

Of course, Brady spent a good majority of the afternoon in the "construction area" of the museum!

With his hard hat over this eyes, he hit the wall a few times with his grocery cart.

This has "disaster" written all over it!

Daddy and B playing with some matchbox cars.

I need Josh to build one of these - I could keep B busy for hours!

And a special Mother's Day thank you to my Mom and Mother-In-Law who are wonderful Moms and Grandmas. You are not only great role models, but constantly provide me with encouragement and inspiration to be the best Mom that I can be. Thank you for everything!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mother's Day Tea

Today was the Mother's Day Tea at Abi's preschool. Similar to last year, it was adorable and so fun to see how much Abi has grown, matured and developed. The teas at her preschool will definitely be memories that I will always cherish. (And I realize the importance of remembering these fond times since I know that there will be many years in the near future when Abi won't always be so loving and appreciative of her Mom!)

First, a few pictures at home before we head to school...

When I arrived at school, Abi greeted me at the door, presented me with a bracelet that she made and escorted me to my seat.
Then she served me pound cake, strawberries and juice.
Next was the entertainment portion of the program!

(I tried to trim down this video since it is so long but each part of the song was just too darn cute to delete!)

Finally, we received gifts (a homemade flower pin) and a Mother's Day card!
Before leaving, we took some time to take pictures with friends!
Abi and one of her friends, Mariella

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Vet Clinic

Unbeknownst to me, Abi and her friend Claire started a veterinary clinic in Abi's room. Rumor has it that they run a very busy but fun practice (visits often include a tea party after their exam). Apparently there must have been a breakout of cuts and bruises because in one afternoon they nearly emptied a 40-count box of Band-Aids.

The practice serves all types of animals including dogs, cats, mice, bunnies, pigs and even bears!

The only downside is that they are not the tidiest and leave quite a mess for the clean up crew!

Note from the clean-up crew: We're not complaining! It's much easier to clean up this mess than the time that they pretended to be painters and painted the walls with lip gloss! :)