Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

To celebrate Mother's Day, we headed over to Bremerton to spend the weekend with Ferryboat Grandma. Unfortunately I was not good about taking pictures - in fact, I have absolutely no pictures of me and kids on Mother's Day (go figure!) I did remember my camera when we headed to the Children's Museum which was a fun change from our normal Mother's Day activities.

My little Bumblebee and Daisy. In hindsight, I guess the kids should have been reversed!

Of course, Brady spent a good majority of the afternoon in the "construction area" of the museum!

With his hard hat over this eyes, he hit the wall a few times with his grocery cart.

This has "disaster" written all over it!

Daddy and B playing with some matchbox cars.

I need Josh to build one of these - I could keep B busy for hours!

And a special Mother's Day thank you to my Mom and Mother-In-Law who are wonderful Moms and Grandmas. You are not only great role models, but constantly provide me with encouragement and inspiration to be the best Mom that I can be. Thank you for everything!

1 comment:

The Arnolds said...

What a fun mother's day!