Monday, May 16, 2011

Girls Weekend!!!

Thanks to my awesome friends and wonderful husband, I spent 4 relaxing days in Arizona, soaking up the sun and celebrating my 35th birthday with 5 great friends. We had fun eating, shopping, talking, reading and just enjoying some much-needed peace and quiet!

Meanwhile, back at the homestead...
Josh took the kids to the Reptile Zoo

And as the weekend continued, I started receiving pictures on my phone from Josh...

Apparently huge steaks and lots of liquor are must haves when Mom goes out of town for the weekend and Dad is left with the kids.

Thankfully I am happy to report that everyone was still alive when I returned home! :)


Kristi said...

Reptiles and alcohol- I like it! Kudos to Josh :)
Glad you had a chance to get away with friends!!!

Aunt Peggy said...

Did Elijah come for a visit?

The Arnolds said...

Thanks again for such a fun weekend! Glad to see your family survived :)