Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer Months

Although our sunny days have been few and far between, we have made the best of it and spent our summer days at the zoo, having playdates with friends and just hanging out at home. Sometimes it is nice to have some days free from routines and schedules!

-Woodland Park Zoo-
Mr. Orangutan checking out the kids passing by the window

Grizzly Bears!

-Best Friends-
Chase & Brady

-Dance Party-

Some of Brady's signature dance moves
(of course the diaper and dark blue socks help make his performance just that much better!)

-Birthday Parties-
We have also attended several birthday celebrations including one for Abi's friend Regen that included a visit from the Reptile Man.
This CAN NOT be my daughter!!!

The rides on the tortoise were a big hit with the kids!

During the party, the boys found ways to keep themselves busy!

Happy Birthday Regen!


mommy23 said...

so cute! Those boys. TROUBLE!!

Aunt Peggy said...

I can't believe Abi is holding or hugging that snake!! I think that Alligator needs a tutu :)

The Arnolds said...

I love the dance moves! He's gonna get all the ladies when he's older :) The pics of him with Chase are adorable!

Kristi said...

Love the dance moves and how cute the two boys are together!

SERIOUSLY tho, I can't believe that a REAL snake?!!!! Go Abi! What a neat party :)