Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Or maybe I should title this post, "Brady Says the Darndest Things"....he has always been a funny kid but some of the things he has said over the past few weeks have really cracked us up!

* The other day when Brady saw a hot air balloon landing in a construction site, he said, "It is inappropriate to land a hot air balloon in a construction site!" (It is so funny to hear a 3 year old use the word 'inappropriate'.)

* As Brady was playing with his bulldozer by himself, we overheard him say, "Oofta toofta, this is hard work."

* Last week, after Brady pooped, he called for me (while sitting on the toilet) to help him wipe.  I did not hear him so when Josh went into the bathroom to see what he needed, Brady responded, "Next time the first person to wipe me gets a trophy."

* Brady is not sure how this whole breastfeeding concept works. When I told Brady that Natalie can't eat cookies yet, he said, "Yes she can. You eat it and then Natalie will lick it out." 


mommy23 said...

omg - that last one totally made me crack up!!

Elaine said...

I just laughed out loud!