Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

Our weekend started with coloring Easter eggs...

On Easter morning, the kids woke up early to find their hidden Easter baskets. 

Abi and Brady found Natalie's basket first.

Finally, Natalie woke up and found her Easter basket.

Of course, the first thing she tried to do was "eat" her basket :) 

Next, we had a quick snack before the Easter egg hunts began. 

Easter Egg Hunt at the House

Easter Egg Hunt in Redmond

The fire department helped with the egg hunt so afterwards Brady got the chance to talk to the firefighters and check out the trucks.

 We also ran into one of Brady's preschool friends.

 Natalie enjoyed the festivities from the comfort of her carrier!


Ferryboat Grandma said...

Is our baby girl sitting up now? I always love looking at the blog but it makes me miss the kids so much. See you soon.

Kristi said...

Oh my. . .Abi feeding Natalie- I LOVE that picture! I can only imagine how much that baby girl is adored & loved :)