Friday, March 28, 2014

Brady's Parent Teacher Preschool Conference

Yesterday we had Brady's parent teacher conference.  Truth be told, his teacher had many great things to say about him but she did have one thing that he needs to work on...listening to directions.  She gave us these drawings as examples.  I could do nothing but smile.

At beginning of the school year, Brady was asked to draw a picture of himself (the first picture).  For comparison, he was asked to draw a picture of himself again towards the end of the school year. Instead Brady drew himself as a bat (the second picture).  His teachers gave him a another try (the third picture).  Obviously the purpose of this assignment was to show how he developed and progressed throughout the school year.  Wondering if I should be worried since it appears that the only thing that Brady learned this year was how to draw fingers (3 on each hand), toes and a belly button?!

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