Thursday, June 5, 2014

Brady's Last Day of Preschool

Hard to believe that Brady is finished with preschool and it will be another 2 years before we go back with Nattie. He had several great years at Best Beginnings which included some awesome teachers, lots of fun experiences and good friends.  

First Day of Preschool - September 2013
Last Day of Preschool - June 2014

This is the last time that these two will be in class together as we will be going to different schools next year.  Not sure how they are going to survive! Although according to their teacher, this may be a good thing due to their constant need to talk to each other :)

These are just a sample of some of B's school work that came home in a folder at the end of the year.  I love that both Josh and I are 100 feet tall but he is 100 years old and I am only 20 :)

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