Thursday, June 12, 2014


Abi joined the choir this year and has been practicing with the Puma Cubs (a choir open to Kindergarteners - second graders) for the past two months.  As with her drama teacher, her music teacher is so talented and really gets the kids excited about music. Each year, they create a themed performance and this year was food so all the songs talked about or referenced some type of food. Tonight was their big performance.  Here are just a couple of her favorite songs:

Brady can't wait to be in choir next year!  On the first day of choir practice, Abi came home with a CD of all the songs to help the kids learn them.  We kept it in the car and Brady loved listening to it. In fact, it was requested nearly every time we got in the car, even before I could get the car pulled out of the garage. Needless to say, we listened to it A LOT! Everyone in our family (including Josh and Nattie) could sing every word to every song :) Hopefully his enthusiasm continues to next year when he can finally join!

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