Thursday, June 11, 2015

Performance Day

Nattie and I had a busy day attending school performances.  First we attended the performances of Abi's third grade class. As part of their Drama class, they were required to create a dance and perform it either solo or with a group. They were responsible for choosing the style and song, as well as choreographing the dance. Abi joined a group of 2 other girls and one boy and their style was jazz.

Later on, we attended Brady's Spring Choir Performance. I had a hard time deciding which videos to post as they were all so cute!

     I think Brady temporarily forgot his right from his left :)
He is in the front row in case you don't see him.

Apparently he felt the need to tuck in his shirt in the middle of this song - at least he didn't put his hand in his pants as he did during his preschool performance.

We love Mrs. Dean and her great choir program.  
She is retiring at the end of this year and will be missed!

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