Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Perfect Exchange

Yesterday Abi woke up with a fever and did not feel good throughout the day, complaining of an upset stomach. I was worried that she might have the flu again but today it appears that it may be a cold. Last night she woke up several times including one time at 2 a.m. which resulted in a half hour of cuddling in her rocking chair (something she doesn't do unless she is sick). I put her back down to sleep and she was quiet for about 10-15 minutes until I heard her moving around again. My first thought was "oh, man - not again...".

Then I heard Abi's little voice from her room: "Good night, Mommy".

"Good night, sweetheart", I called out.

Then I heard, "I love you".

"I love you, too", I responded.

After our brief conversation, she slept soundly through the rest of the night. Abi doesn't regularly say "I love you" without prompting, so I couldn't imagine a more perfect exchange. It is amazing how something as simple as a few words can change a person's entire demeanor. It put a smile on my face and made me completely forget how tired and crabby I was. I guess it is those little things in life that make all the hard work worth it.


mommy23 said...

Um, how do I sniffle thru typing??! That is the cutest thing I have ever heard. Now, I am gonna go to bed smiling! Good night.

Elaine said...

That is very sweet Susie, and beautifully written too. Thanks for sharing.

The Arnolds said...

Oh how sweet! Brought a smile to my face as well :)