Friday, March 7, 2014


Random people that we pass in the grocery stores or walk by in the park often comment to me (as I'm trying to manage 3 kids) how fast kids grow up.  Maybe it's just a nice way to make me feel better in the moment but it seems to be a universal thought and one that shared by most parents. It's also a reminder....a good reminder, that I need to stop every once in a while and enjoy the kids and all their moments, good and bad, happy or sad. It's too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and overlook what truly matters. For me, this blog helps serve that purpose. It is a great reality check - allowing me to recall and often times, relive all of those moments when my memory fails or I need some reminding. With Brady's birthday right around the corner, I started thinking about his birthday blog post. I look forward to writing these with each passing birthday because it forces me to spend a little extra time reflecting on each child and how they have changed and grown over the past year.  It helps me capture all the things that make them who they are today. So hopefully when I look back in 30 years and our reality today is just another memory, I'll have all those little moments to remind me of the path which led to our kids growing up way too fast.


mommy23 said...

well said! Good for you for keeping up! :)

Kristi said...

Beautifully said Susie!! You will be so glad to have this blog when the kids are grown. I always look forward to your updates and love getting to see the kids grow!